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FL Studio 8.0.2 Portable
[ · Download from mirror (93789 KB) ] 2008-11-25, 4:41 PM
Asa cum totul avanseaza in viitor, se infrumuseteaza, se inbunatateste si se perfectioneaza, nici programele software nu pot face exceptie de la aceasta.
Vechiul si cunoscutul program 'FL Studio' a ajuns la o noua versiune  mai prformanta prin adaugarea mai multor optiuni.
Pentru ridicarea performantelor si sincronizare, in primul rind a fost optimizat modulul de interactiune
dintre operatiunile din meniul contextual al interfetei care la rindul ei, i-a fost inbunatatit considerabil
engine-ul. Datorita acesteia noul engine suporta acum pentru resampling fisiere wawe pe 32 biti avind acum posibilitatea iesiri cu Direct Sound.
O alta optiune ar fi adaugarea de inbunatatire la barele de instrumente de ordin vizual din interfata.
Modulele Fruiti Granulizer si Fruiti Slicer au fost la rindul lor inbunatatite prin adaugarea de suport de o inalta fidelitate.
Se pot observa ca modificarile au continuat si la engine-ul pentru inregistrare discurilor cu secvente
audio eliminindu-se prin filtrare pocniturile specifice.
Totodata au fost instalate noi plugin-uri: Love Filter, Parametric EQ2 si Edison plugin cre ne ofera posibilitatea inregistrarii si editarii secventelor audio stocate in VST, care este o arhiva de efecte.
La partea MIDI functia 'Link note velocity to' a fost la rindul ei revizuita pentru maparea lor. Tot la partea MIDI a fost introdus un suport pentru controller-ul 'Novation ReMote SL
Acest studio dotat cu toate optiunile si modificarile aduse la zi poate fi de un real folos profesionistilor
cunoscatori in materie de compozitia sunetelor. Asa cum totul avanseaza in viitor, se infrumuseteaza, se inbunatateste si se perfectioneaza, nici programele software nu pot face exceptie de la aceasta. Vechiul si cunoscutul program
Portable FL Studio 8.0.2 | 93.7 MB
FL Studio is a full-featured sequencer perfectly suited for creation of complex songs and realistic drum loops, with 32 bit internal mixing and advanced MIDI support. The resulting song or loop can be exported to a WAV/MP3 file and all MIDI events can be exported to a standard MIDI file. Fruity Loops Studio is a pattern based sequencer meaning you can create your songs in pieces (patterns) using the Step Sequencer and the Piano Roll view and then weld those pieces together using the Playlist window (the Playlist also supports full-feature. Then you can add a wide range of effects to your instruments (reverb, phaser, flanger etc.) and route the resulting mixer tracks in any way you like to create complex mixing chains with ease.
Here are some key features of "FL Studio":

· Internal 32 bit floating point mixing, up to 96kHz stereo.
· Supports DirectSound and ASIO enabled sound cards for audio output.
· Ability to function as a VSTi, DXi and a ReWire client.
· Ability to host ReWire clients itself.
· Realtime linear interpolation & sophisticated interpolation algorithms at rendering time.
· Open architecture allowing third-party instruments (enhanced proprietary FL instruments standard, VSTi and DXi2) and effects (enhanced proprietary FL effects standard, VST, VST2 and DirectX).
· A full set of high-precision mastering and special effects filters: reverb, compressor, procedural equalizer, distortion, phaser, flanger, bass boost, delay line and other.
· Advanced sequencing methods allowing quick entering of realistic drum loops (step sequencing grid) and composing complex instrumentals (advanced piano roll, arpeggiator, keyboard tracking, real-time gate).
· Unique note properties morphing ability (pitch, cutoff, resonance, panning).
· Advanced mixer: 68 mixer tracks (64 insert and 4 send tracks) supporting up to 8 filters each; mixer tracks rerouting for creating of complex mixer chains; track recording with ASIO input support (for recording MIDI, vocals etc.); integrated procedural equalizer, volume and panning for each mixer track.
· Integrated instruments: Sampler, TS404 (the popular bassline engine), 3xOSC (subsynth), Plucked! (plucked strings), MIDI Out, DX10 (FM synth), Scratcher (turntable emulator), WaveTraveller (wave bend synth), Wasp (demo), SimSynth Live (demo), and more.
· Advanced playlist & full-featured audio tracks.
· Live recording of control movements & integrated automation events editor.
· Easy MIDI remote controlling of most parameters (VST plugins supported as well).
· Procedural control over parameters by using special controller plugins.
· Click removal & volume ramping to avoid pops.
· Imports *.WAV, *.SYN (SimSynth 1 & 2), *.DS (DrumSynth) files, with effects applied.
· Imports MIDI sequences and controller events.
· Exports audio to 16Bit or 32Bit *.WAV file, *.MP3.
· Can export MIDI notes & controller events to a standard MIDI fil

Category: Programe utile | Added by: descarca-gratis
Views: 364 | Downloads: 192 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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