BitDefender Total Security 2009 versiunile 32/64 bits ofera cea mai avansata protectie proactiva pentru calculatorul dumneavoastra. Produsul imbina caracteristici de securitate care combat virusii, programele spyware, atacurile hacker-ilor, mesajele spam si alte pericole informatice de pe Internet. In plus, instrumentele de intretinere a sistemului si de backup de care beneficiaza acesta permit pastrarea vitezei de functionare a calculatorului dumneavoastra si evitarea pierderilor de date.
ANTIVIRUS & ANTISPYWARE Va protejeaza calculatorul in timp real impotriva virusilor, a programelor de tip adware si a altor coduri periculoase, beneficiind de actualizari la fiecare ora Blocheaza virusii necunoscuti cu ajutorul unor tehnici avansate de detectie proactiva Monitorizeaza si previne declansarea atacurilor spyware, in timp real Detecteaza si inlatura cel mai recent tip de pericole ascunse, cunoscute sub numele de rootkit-uri Asigura derularea fara probleme a jocurilor, iar sistemul este solicitat la minim ANTIPHISHING Protejeaza impotriva atacurilor de tip phishing prin filtrarea tuturor paginilor de web accesate, pentru identificarea tentativelor de frauda Reduce riscul furtului de date personale prin prevenirea scurgerilor de informatii prin e-mail sau prin web FIREWALL Controleaza accesul aplicatiilor la Internet si “ascunde” calculatorul pentru a-i impiedica pe hackeri sa-l identifice Ajuta la prevenirea accesului neautorizat la reteaua Wi-Fi in care va aflati prin notificari trimise in momentul in care alte calculatoare se conecteaza la aceasta. ANTISPAM Previne patrunderea diferitelor mesaje electronice de tip spam si scam in casuta dumneavoastra postala O reactie mai prompta fata de noile tehnici de lansare a spam-ului, datorita unor motoare de detectie noi si adaptabile CONTROL PARENTAL Blocheaza accesul la site-uri web si mesaje electronice cu continut inadecvat Permite sau blocheaza accesul la web in anumite intervale de timp BACKUP DE DATE Va pastreaza datele in siguranta prin crearea unor copii de rezerva pe discurile locale sau pe dispozitivele de stocare mobile, CD-R/RW sau DVD-R/RW Procesul de backup este automat si realizeaza copii numai fisierelor noi sau modificate, pe baza unui program prestabilit PC TUNE-UP Imbunatateste performantele calculatorului dumneavoastra prin eliminarea intrarilor din registri si a fisierelor inutile Ofera optiunea stergerii definitive a fisierelor si a “urmelor” acestora de pe disc, pentru a impiedica recuperarea lor de catre alte persoane Caracteristici si beneficii:
NOU: Mod pentru jocuri Noul mod pentru jocuri modifica temporar setarile de protectie pentru a reduce la minim impactul asupra vitezei de desfasurare a jocurilor, fara a afecta, insa, siguranta calculatorului.
Actualizari la fiecare ora. Fara griji Datorita actualizarilor realizate la fiecare ora, sunteti protejat de cele mai recent aparute pericole, fara niciun efort suplimentar. Nici fisierele de program pierdute nu reprezinta o problema. In cazul in care probleme legate de calculatorul dumneavoastra afecteaza fisierele de program, BitDefender le repara automat si se actualizeaza.
Bit Defender Total Security 2009 Unlike other security solutions, which rely heavily on a list of pre-existing viruses, BitDefender security solutions use proactive B-HAVE technology that identifies and blocks new and zero-day threats. Additionally, BitDefender Total Security 2009 System’s maintenance and backup tools keep PCs running at optimal speed and protected from data loss. BitDefender Total Security 2009 enhancements include:
# Online Backup: BitDefender Total Security 2009 offers users the ability to backup sensitive data online to ensure it is secure if a computer is lost, stolen or damaged. Unlike competitive offerings, BitDefender Online Backup offers incremental, versioned and differentiated backup modes to better meet specific user needs.
# Battery-saving Laptop Mode: BitDefender automatically enters a power-saving “laptop mode” when a laptop is running on battery power, postponing scheduled scans, backups and tune-ups in order to save battery life.
# Increased Privacy Protection through Instant Messaging Encryption: BitDefender Total Security 2009 ensures that no one can eavesdrop on instant messaging traffic between two PCs, offering this protection to Yahoo! Messenger and MSN Messenger users.
# Increased Data Privacy with File Vault: BitDefender’s File Vault provides a secured storage space for personal information or sensitive files kept locally in a user’s computer, and data is encrypted making this stored data invulnerable to theft or to a security breach.
# Improved Integrated Online Security: BitDefender Total Security 2009 provides users a full range of proactive protection technologies for secure everyday online activities such as banking, shopping, browsing or socializing. Web, email and Instant messaging traffic are now scanned in real-time for viruses, spyware, phishing and identity theft attempts.
# More control via Home Network Management: BitDefender Total Security 2009 provides home users with the ability to manage the security of every PC in a home network from a single location. BitDefender software from other computers in the network can be remotely configured, while tasks such as scans, tune-ups and updates can be scheduled and run.
# Other gamer, power-optimization, usability and firewall improvements: BitDefender Total Security 2009 also features an improved Gamer mode, increased performance with lower consumption of system resources, enhanced usability, and firewall (IDS and IPv6 support) support.
Features and Benefits top NEWFamily network protection Manage the security of your home network from a single location. BitDefender software from other computers in the network can be remotely configured, while tasks such as scans, backups tune-ups and updates can be run on-demand or scheduled to run during off-hours.
Hassle - Free Hourly Updates Hourly updates ensure that you are protected against the latest threats without pushing a button. Lost program files are not a problem either. In the rare event of file damage due to PC problems, BitDefender automatically repairs and updates itself.
FREE 24/7 Support Got a question? Our security experts are available to help you 24/7 via phone, email or chat at no additional cost. System Requirements top Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (32/64 bit) or higher 800 MHz or higher processor 256 MB of RAM Memory (512 MB recommended) 300 MB available hard disk space
Windows Vista (32/64 bit) and Windows Vista SP1 800 MHz or higher processor 512 MB of RAM Memory (1 GB recommended) 300 MB available hard disk space
Windows Home Server 800 MHz or higher processor 512 MB of RAM Memory (1 GB recommended) 300 MB available hard disk space