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BS Player Pro v2.32.975 Multilingual Incl.Keymaker-CORE
[ · Download from mirror (8492 KB) ] 2008-11-25, 3:58 AM
BSplayer este produsul Webteh atat de cunoscut de toata lumea.
Programul are interfata si in limba romana, este usor de folosit, suporta skin-uri (si sunt cu zecile pe situl programului), permite afisarea titrarii (precum si configurarea ei: tip de caracter, marime, culoare) si funcţii precum zoom, un egalizator grafic sau optimizarea background-ului.BS.Player a fost intotdeauna usor de folosit, si are un avantaj foarte mare: foloseste procesorul si memoria RAM a calculatorului foarte eficient si astfel, inclusiv cei care dispun de un calculator mai slab pot sa se bucure de un “playback” video de calitate. Ce fisiere poate rula acesta? Video: divx, avi, mpeg 1, mpeg 2, xvid, 3ivx, ogm, matroska, asf, wmv, DV, m1v, m2v, mov, mp4, mpv, QT, rm, SWF, vob etc. Audio: wav, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, ogg, aac, ac3, aif, ram, wma etc.
Inca de la lansarea lui pe piata (in 2000), BSPlayer™ a fost unul din cele mai reusite playere media, fiind singurul care reusea sa scada din cota de piata a "Microsoft Windows Media Player (WMP)". Principalul sau avantaj a fost ca pe PC-urile de la acea vreme partea hardware nu era foarte puternica, iar acest mic player reusea sa redea aproape orice format de continut media (necesita instalarea unui pachet de codec-uri) la o calitate mult peste "WMP".
Player-ul contine si o Librarie Media (Media Library), care ajuta la gestionarea continutului media de pe hard disk, fiind de altfel foarte utila in cazul albumelor muzicale sau serialelor TV.
In cazul in care doriti sa vedeti un fisier video care are subtitrarea atasata separat ("srt" sau "sub") BSplayer ofera suport pentru acest gen de continut media, iar subtitrarile sunt foarte bine randate pe ecran si pot fi setate o multime de optiuni (marime font, asezare pe ecran, fundal negru, redimensionare, s.a.).
Interfata este una foarte intuitiva si placuta, programul avand integrat in kit-ul de instalare alte 4 skin-uri.
* Sound Equalizer
* Fully skinnable windows (Media list, Play list, Equalizer)
* Bookmarks support (add, edit)
* Chapters support (create, move to, skip)
* Custom aspect ratios
* Multiple audio stream switching
* Frame capture (video to picture)
* Plugin support (Winamp DSP plugins and others)
* Multilingual interface
* Fast forward and fast rewind option
* Frame stepping (playback video one frame at a time)
* WinLIRC support (user defineable remote controllers)
* Support switching between multiple (different language) subtitles
* Pan-scan and custom pan-scan option
* Support for multiple audio streams and switching between them
* Every action can also be assigned to WinLIRC button
* Playback of incomplete AVI files and locked files (files in use, files still downloading or recording)
* Command line support (for example "bsplayer.exe movie.avi -fs" will start playback of movie in full screen mode)
* Support a lot of subtitles formats (MicroDVD, SubRip, Subviewer...), custom subtitles position, color, font, transparency...
* BSI/INI files support and dynamic DirectShow filters loading (so everything can be burned on CD and played without installing anything)
* Almost every action can be assigned to user selected key (even two keys) and different keys can be assigned for full screen and windowed mode
* Support for all popular media formats (audio and video): divx, avi, mpeg 1, mpeg 2, xvid, 3ivx, ogm, matroska, asf, wmv, DV, m1v, m2v, Quicktime mov, mp4, mpv, QT, Real rm, SWF, vob, wav, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, ogg, aac, ac3, aif, ram, wma...
Observatie: Varianta "Freeware" contine un "adware", pe care multi antivirusi il vad ca pe o amenintare (threat).
Cel mai popular media player pentru Windows a ajuns la versiunea 2.30
Noutatile acestei editii:
-poate afisa doua subtitrari simultan
-optiune noua: sare la urmatorul keyframe (doar AVI si MKV)
-suport nativ pentru formatul APE (Monkey’s Audio - lossless)
-suport nativ pentru formatul FLAC (lossless)
-reparat problema cu subtitrarile DVD-urilor in Vista
-reparat problema cu arhivele multi-volum RAR
-reparat problema filtrarii imaginii in Vista cand Aero era dezactivat
-alte reparatii
BS.Player PRO costa 29.9 EUR, BS.Player PRO Lite costa 9.9 EUR (functionalitate redusa), iar BS.Player FREE se poate descarca gratuit
BS Player Pro v2.32.975 Multilingual Incl.Keymaker-CORE
World's most popular multimedia player! Ever since the very beginning in the year 2000, the BS.Player™ has been one of the world's most popular multimedia players. It is popular for many reasons, one however should be pointed out: BS.Player™ is the first player ever to enable its users to focus on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer capabilities or running around looking for a proper setting and codec.
BS.Player™ is a Windows ® player that plays back all kinds of all sort of media files ( avi / mpg / asf / wmv / wav / mp3...) and specialises in video and divx playback. It can also display subtitles. Also available are different skins for this player.
The BS.Player™ 2.0 does not only play, but with the BS.MediaLibrary™ it also manages your multimedia content. You can sort the content in playlists, which enable you to work with files faster and more easily. Playlists may be created through the BS.MediaLibrary™ module or directly through the primary BS.Player™ 2.0 module.
Last but not least - BS.Player™ is a product for the world public so it is equipped with a treasury of subtitle options which enable the users to watch multimedia files in many of the world's languages.

Main features of BS.Player are:
• Sound Equalizer
• Fully skinnable windows (Media list, Play list, Equalizer)
• Bookmarks support (add, edit)
• Chapters support (create, move to, skip)
• Custom aspect ratios
• Multiple audio stream switching
• Frame capture (video to picture)
• Plugin support (Winamp DSP plugins and others)
• Multilingual interface
• Fast forward and fast rewind option
• Frame stepping (playback video one frame at a time)
• WinLIRC support (user defineable remote controllers)
• Support switching between multiple (different language) subtitles
• Pan-scan and custom pan-scan option
• Support for multiple audio streams and switching between them
• Every action can also be assigned to WinLIRC button
• Playback of incomplete AVI files and locked files (files in use, files still downloading or recording)
• Command line support (for example "bsplayer.exe movie.avi -fs" will start playback of movie in full screen mode)
• Support a lot of subtitles formats (MicroDVD, SubRip, Subviewer...), custom subtitles position, color, font, transparency...
• BSI/INI files support and dynamic DirectShow filters loading (so everything can be burned on CD and played without installing anything)
• Almost every action can be assigned to user selected key (even two keys) and different keys can be assigned for full screen and windowed mode
• Support for all popular media formats (audio and video): divx, avi, mpeg 1, mpeg 2, xvid, 3ivx, ogm, matroska, asf, wmv, DV, m1v, m2v, Quicktime mov, mp4, mpv, QT, Real rm, SWF, vob, wav, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, ogg, aac, ac3, aif, ram, wma...

What does the BS.Player™ 2.0 Pro have to offer:
* Customizable Equalizer
* Support for Capture and Tuner devices (and Teletext support)
* Capture Video from capture device to file
* Integrated subtitle editor
* Network file buffering
* Support for Flash playback
* Improved subtitles
* Improved VMR9 support
* Technical e-mail support
* DVD support with highly functional DVD Front-End (3rd party mpeg-2 decoder required)
* Free one year subscription upgrade

Changes in BS.Player 2.32.975:
We are proud to present new version of BS.Player 2.32 with new functionality of detecting missing codecs on your computer.
BS.Player 2.32 will run codec diagnostics at installation (only once) and will prompt user if any of vital multimedia codecs are not installed on the system. User has the option to download and install missing codecs or not. All codecs installed by BS.Players Codec manager are installed locally (meaning only BS.Player will use these codecs) and they will not interfere or mess with functionality of any of your other codecs installed globally.

* sometimes added file extension was ignored in ML, fixed
* sometimes codec download was required even if codec was already installed globally, fixed
* TV, Radio buttons, did not open right section in ML, fixed
* fixed incorrect mms stream playback
* added support for http authentication, for shoutcast and icecast streams * mp3/ogg streams can now be played directly from http, without downloading them first
* '-hide' command line option now works also if first parameter is not specified
* some other bug fixes and changes

Category: Programe utile | Added by: descarca-gratis
Views: 354 | Downloads: 203 | Rating: 5.0/1 |
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